How To Make DIY Hedgehog Sock Planters

How To Make DIY Hedgehog Sock Planters

Looking for DIY craft projects that kids will love for sure? Make these hedgehog sock planters. These hedgehog sock planters are so cute. Make a few of them, put them on your table or window sill. Once they start to grow, I guess you will love them too. Let’s look at how to make DIY hedgehog sock planters. (image credit: DIY Craft Projects)

  1. Gather those unmatched socks in your drawer.
  2. Fill the socks with garden soil and seed mixture.
  3. Tie the socks and cut off the excess portion.
  4. Decorate the hedgehog planters with beads for eyes and nose.
  5. Place the hedgehogs in a plate and put them at a sunny spot.
  6. Keep your hedgehogs moist and enjoy watching the hedgehog growing.

You don’t have to make it hedgehog shape. A doll, a turtle, a piglet, … Once you got the idea, your imagination is the limit. Here are just some examples.

DIY Hedgehog Sock Planters

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