DIY Pet Emergency Wallet Card

Pet Emergency Wallet Card 1

What a great idea for a pet owner! A Pet Emergency Wallet Card or My Pet Is Home Alone Card is something that every pet owner should consider. It is very easy to make and comes really helpful for your loved pets in emergent situations.

The pet emergency wallet card can be easily do it yourself. Just get a piece of card or stock paper about the size of a name card. It should prominently declares that your cat or dog is alone at home on one side. On the other side, you can put down more detailed information for how to help your pet, such as descriptions about your pets and information of an emergency contact. The front side will look something similar to the above example, and the back side will look like the following example given by Ventura County Animal Services.

Pet Emergency Wallet Card 2

Somebody even make it a product. Isn’t a good idea?

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